New Vineyard at Meander

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NEW VINEYARDS And then there’s our other new venture, our very own Vineyards. Thanks to our friend and neighbor Dean Gruenberg (who has his own Castle Gruenberg Vineyards and Winery just around the corner from us on Meander Run Road and set to open in August), we now have nearly 2 acres of grapes growing…

Virginia Wine Academy

Posted by & filed under Inn at Meander News.

Welcome to the new Inn at Meander Plantation blog! We’ve got some exciting Meander happenings to share with you! NEW “VIRGINIA WINE ACADEMY” First is the launch of our new Virginia Wine Academy, which premieres June 22-24, 2008. What a fun, fascinating, information-packed “experiential learning vacation” this 3-day package promises to be … after all,…